Home of the Blue Mango

One stop for insanity.
"If life gives you lemons, squeeze the juice into a water gun and squirt people in the eyes with it."
- This deep thought brought to you from Nina's subconscious.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Cuban Rum = Truth serum = Introspection= Humiliation ....and back to cuban rum!

These past few weeks have been so strange, that I don't even really feel like recounting it all....but let's just say, last night resulted in one of the most surreal experiences ever. Essentially, I went to dinner for the purpose of getting information from this...person...let's call him Dental (don't ask, its early, I'm tired), and this person Dental has this really irritating habit of getting people to open up when its seriously....seriously in their best intentions to shut up. So last night, I innocently am eating my dinner (can't for the life of me remember what it was), but I do know that things were going as planned as I was told the disastrous effects of cuban rum. Okay....yes, I was embarassed as hell. Telling someone you find them sooooo irressistable or that their freaking eyes are blue or whatever else I said is bad enough, but when that person is sitting across from you assessing your reaction, its impossible to remain nonchalant. I need a class on schooling my expression into one of bored disinterest....but regardless, apart from downing 30 cups of water, I'd say during Dental's recount of the party's events, I held it together...somewhat. Of course, the whole time, I was thinking "Wow, great, he'll just chalk those random comments off to the crazed rants of a drunk person, we'll eat go home, and no one will be the wiser." HA! That apparently only happens in a world where things go my way....

Apparently inebriated people tell the TRUTH....wonderful, so in Dental's computer brain he's sifting through the DAMNING evidence. Meanwhile, after another round of question's, the conversation drifts into small talk....I begin to relax....like "Hey, he still thinks I like this OTHER person.....even super psychologist Dental won't figure this out...." Once again, do things EVER go my way? No... at some point Dental randomly goes
"Hey Nina, do you like me?"
I actually couldn't believe he asked me that.....my mind was going, "But...but wait, we were just talking about study abroad!....This isn't fair!" My subsequent 2 minute pause probably didn't help my case but miraculously I managed to bust out a "No" and then attempt to return to my food. Then of course, I had to ask him why he would ask something like that.....and I probably screwed myself over yet again because then he brings up a seemingly innocuous comment my roomate had made a few months ago when he came to visit the apartment. And that was when I must have looked like a deer caught in headlights, because after a frantic two minutes of trying to find a suitable explanation, I broke down like a Pinto in a snowstorm. Pathetic.
Ugh, oh the humiliation, told Dental the whole damn thing, and was fully expecting him to laugh himself into a coma....well he looked like he wanted to, but probably controlled himself because I was beginning to babble. ...Beginning, ha...okay, I was babbling the entire night. In any case, for his own part, he didn't make it worse, hell....I blame myself for not having run for the exit as soon as the conversation delved into "Gee, so your one roomate said....".
Undoubtedly, I'll get over this and everything, but the moral of the story: Introspection is a pain in the ass. Had I never bother to overthink this....I could've kept most of my pride. But noooo, I had to sit around wondering "How strange that I would notice these things about Dental..." I can't figure out whose more uncomfortable by this...him or me. Okay...me. But I'm going to attempt for the first time, to behave MATURELY, and fight the urge to avoid him at all costs (well that shouldn't be exactly hard...). Another moral: Confession is overrated.....and totally pointless. If I knew it would only render me in a state of sheer mortification, then why did I just go on endlessly. Well, I hope after all is said and done, that Dental and I are still friends and that behaving like a basket-case last night hasn't made things even worse. In my defense, being caught off guard several times tends to turn me into a nervous wreck....especially when it has to do with the F-word ("Feeeeelings"....ick).
So yes, that was my day.....I have nothing to say about finals....because they suck....and that never will change. But atleast, I have one more addition to growing file of "Stupid things Nina Says/Does that Defy all Logic."

I'll end with a random quote that always makes me laugh...

Clown: "Hello folks. I'm gonna skip right past the jokes and proceed immediately to the part where I throw pie at you."


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