Home of the Blue Mango

One stop for insanity.
"If life gives you lemons, squeeze the juice into a water gun and squirt people in the eyes with it."
- This deep thought brought to you from Nina's subconscious.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Do you want a "sexual compliment"? I sure do!

So, with the advent of cqcounter.com, poor humble bloggers such as myself can not only keep track of how many stalkers cough, excuse me, people are checking their site, but also their location, what they typed into the search engine, how many times they refresh the page….and other equally creepy factoids.

What have I learned since I first registered with cqcounter?
  1. Avid readers of my blog reside primarily in the Bible Belt. Yee-haw.

  2. There are people out there with less of a life than me. Someone call Ripley’s.

  3. Most visitors, sadly, only happen to stumble onto my site, when searching for porn. Yes. It’s true, my blog is the gateway to all kinds of lewd and inappropriate material. Example: A recent visitor apparently typed into the MSN search engine “sexual compliment,”  and page 87 of Search Results brought him to an ancient rant I penned entitled “Sexual Harassment Compliments of Port Authority” (read all about it, here)

    I'd like to take this time to sincerely apologize to this man... for not really providing him with the kind of reading material he was seeking, while simultaneously commending him on his investigative efforts.

    Quote of the Day:

    Tom Tucker:
    "Because of an accident today at the Quahog cable company, all television transmission will be out for an undetermined amount of time. Of course, no one
    can see this news program, so it doesn't really matter
    what we say. I'm the Lord Jesus Christ. I think I'll
    go get drunk and beat up some midgets, how about you,

    Diane Simmons:
    "Well, Tom, I just plain don't like black people."

    Camera man: "Hey guys, we're still on in Boston."

    -- Family Guy


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