The hiatus is over..
So, what's going on? Does anyone care? Actually I confess, I don't care about writing this because none of it is terribly compelling or anything, but there's something sad about leaving an online journal to die...and so...I must ramble on. And you, my faithful readers (crickets chirp in background) must read it.
As I mentioned that I'm lazy in the first paragraph, I'd like to demonstrate this by putting whatever few thoughts I have in bullet points. That's right, it doesn't get any wilder or crazier than bullet points.
- My parents: Same old, same old. There's no reason to waste a perfectly good bullet point rehashing their views on me, my chosen career path, and all my "crazy" decisions lately... including, I should add, where I live, who I'm living with, and my refusal to become a high priced corporate attorney (clearly, their way of turning lemons into lemonade after it became blindingly obvious that I wasn't secretly harboring a desire to re-sell my soul to the medical field.)
- The apt: In an effort to be fair and unbiased, I'm going to do a small pro/con list on my experience living in this uh..fine part of North Oakland.
Pros: ...well, I am ...sort of closer to Kiva I more.. Alright this isn't working.
Cons: It's situated above a hair cutting parlor owned by my sleaze bag landlord (uh oh, is he reading this? hehe...."Hey curtis, what's hanging? Can you fix the light in our hallway? No? Okay..what about the toilet?"), weirdos find their way on our roof to smoke weed/crack/paint thinner, I'm unfortunately a lot lot closer to Chevron: the building that refuses to be the target of some disgruntled chemistry student/arsonist's rage, and...and dammit what's the point of living near two Indian restaurants when they're way out your price range? I'm done. Really.
- Spanish 1: I'm enrolled this semester, fresh and eager to immerse myself in a useful language.... The first day consisted of tossing a soccer ball around and playing the Name ENGLISH. I vote to retire this game after a certain grade preschool...I fail to see how being able to say the names of all 20 people to the right of you in order is some sort of life skill. Actually, it's not even conducive to classroom bonding because it leads to some of the more forgetful people invoking the wrath of their fellow students ("I SAID my name was BRENNA...not BRENDA! GOD!") . Anyway, one week in and I think it's safe to say I'd learn more Spanish watching those old Taco Bell commercials ... and yes, this does depress me.
- I'm starting to really miss ...rice and beans.... dear god, study abroad really does change you.
- No internet and little TV at the apartment isn't making me more studious...just more willing to walk all the way across campus to check facebook. Let the rotten vegetable throwing commence.
I conclude this entry with a priceless Family Guy quote.
"[after Stewie gets taken into an ethnically diverse foster family]
Indian boy: Stewie, would you like to learn how to wrap a turban?
Stewie: Why don't you teach it to the Chinese girl? Or perhaps she can learn after her people invade your country.
Indian boy: Yee, would your people really do this?
Stewie: Try and stop them. And try and stop Pablo's people from using drug money to buy arms from Li's countrymen who in turn sells them to Ura's people so that they can ethnically clense the rest of this nauseatingly diverse grab bag of genetic party favors you call a family. So now you all understand, yes? You all hate each other! [Children start crying]
At 4:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At 8:04 PM,
Mike said…
Did someone spam your blog? And I thought you said you were moving to livejournal or something. I feel lied to. I'm learning so much now that we have internet.
At 4:55 PM,
Nina K. said…
yeah, spam spam a give a shit about bourbon markets in eastern europe. And who the hell is Evan Derkacz anyway? jesus.
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