Home of the Blue Mango

One stop for insanity.
"If life gives you lemons, squeeze the juice into a water gun and squirt people in the eyes with it."
- This deep thought brought to you from Nina's subconscious.

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Failar: the newest Spanish verb

Well……life is officially over. If a giant boulder saturated with 100 percent (NOT DILUTE) Hydrochloric acid were to fall and destroy me, the day could only get better. Reason? O.Chem Final, 10:00 this morning, worth half my grade. …….I failed it. How do I know I failed it? Well, naturally I would say….WHEN YOU LEAVE THE LAST 5 PAGES OF THE TEST BLANK, YOU FAILED IT! And my nazi professor Schafmeister had the nerve to wish a class of 300 (2/3rds of whom are definately going to fail) “Merry Christmas”…….yeah, well merry f-ing christmas to you! The only consolation ( and I mean that) is that his incompetence as a “teacher” has not gone unnoticed and he’s being FIRED!.....but it’s too little too late, the final has already been given, and I’ve already screwed it over. Isn’t life great? I’m typing a final essay due in 3 hours because I think I don’t have the energy to fail yet another class today…..if you wanna find me I’ll be in Bitterville: Population One. Ciao.